Wednesday, January 25

Drumroll Please!

Oftentimes when I blog, I catch myself checking my stats and wondering who's reading my thoughts through what I punch out on the keyboard. I look at my followers and see "9" and wonder where all the other pageviews come from. It's kind of interesting how Blogger categorizes the stats what information you can learn.

Well a little over a month ago, I noticed people visiting my blog through a friend's blog. Clicking back, I saw that I had received an award. Honestly I was surprised as I didn't even realize there were awards out in Bloggerland.

Then just this week, I received a second nomination/award so I decided that I just needed to hunker down, fulfill the requirements and pass on this award!

The requirements, so to speak, for this award are:
  1. Bring to light the person who nominates you by thanking them.
  2. Post on your site the wonderful Liebster Award stamp.
  3. Find 5 of your blogging friends to nominate who have less than 200 followers but deserve to be recognized with praise!
  4. List them below these instructions so others will find their blogs and read them. [Don’t forget to let them know they have been nominated!]
So without furtherado, this award was passed on from my friend Amber on her blog "A New Chapter to Write".

One of the first pics in our friendship
Amber and I have been good friends for about 6 years--whoa! I had no idea it had been that long! Oddly enough we had lots of mutual friends and were commonly drawn together in times that we both felt akward and out of place! In a time of figuring things out for ourselves, we developed a friendship that has since lead to being in each other's weddings and sharing some of our most vunerable parts of our hearts with one another! If you want to be challenged to love Jesus and your spouse, Amber's blog certainly does that!

Additionally this week, I received recognition from my friend Leslie on her blog.

Leslie & Me with our handsome hubbies
Leslie and I met by circumstance, namely that we fell in love and married best friends and I am so glad we did! Of course because we both married great men, and we received each other as great friends. Double score. Leslie has been a great friend over the past 4 or so years! When I am not sure where to turn, Les is always a text away and can lighten my heart! I'm excited to continue to "do life" with Leslie and her husband over the next several years decades regardless of our locale! While reading Leslie's blog "Show the Wonder" you are sure to have an insight to Les' heart and her passions which will undoubtingly push you to have a better heart and live life more passionately!

Now to pass on the blogger-love, here are 5 blogs that I frequent that you should as well!

A complete stranger who encourages my heart!:

Hope you continue to stop by my blog as well as all the lovely, lovely ladies' blogs linked in this post! :)


  1. Thanks for the blog shout-out!! :-) I didn't even realize there were awards...

  2. You're welcome! I enjoy keeping up with you via Blogland! :)
