Sunday, January 8

Dear Ainsley [Week 19]

Dear Ainsley,

I've already blinked way too much! You've grown so much right before our eyes even though we are trying to embrace every stage of your life!

Other than some adjustment getting back to a regular routine with me being back to school, there wasn't any other rough patches! You're night times have regressed a bit, but I'm crossing my fingers that it is just a result of adjusting back to our routine. I hope! Really even with the waking, it's bareable, it's your now screaming instead of whimpering at night that is unwelcomed. Ah, well though, you've been such a good baby, this still doesn't come close to others' horror stories!

In other exciting-only-to-a-mother news, you ate some banana for the first time this week! [Technically your grandma gave you some when she was watching you, but I guess you just squished in around in your mouth and then spit it out.] Your papa gave you some on Tuesday and then Sunday morning we gave you a bit more. We've been talking about when to start you on cereal--the internet advice experts say 4-6 months is typical--but we've also read that you can start with other "real" foods so we shall see. I'm guessing though, baby girl, within a couple weeks, you'll have more than milk and nanners! Papa and I will definitely be showing you the ropes to yummy food!

And to end this note on a quick funny story from today: We went to Sunday School and church this morning. [Confession: only the second time of going to Sunday School since you've been born because of the whole not wanting to use a bottle.] Anyways between Sunday School and church I slipped into the nursery to nurse you before going to the main service. Within a couple of songs after your belly was full your eyes got heavy and you were out for the count. You woke towards the end of Pastor Charlie's sermon. During the "charge" at the end of the service when everyone was standing, Papa was holding you and all of a sudden you had projectile spit up--thankfully it was the milk like spit up, not the chunky spit up! Since we were all supposed to be praying with our eyes shut, I quickly grabed a blanket and wiped it up off the pew/seat in front of use, and the coat of the guy in front of us. Then I had the giggles about how he'll never know! Way to leave your mark baby girl!

Love you lots lil' one! You are my second favorite person in the whole world, only second to Papa of course!! ;-)


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