101 in 1001 Mister Take I

Chris' 101 in 1001
Start Date: March 23rd, 2014
Goal Completion Date: December 17th, 2016
Goals Completed: 0/101

1. Eat sushi
2. Run a half marathon
3. Run 25 miles in a row
4. Go camping in the woods
5. Visit a winery
6. Travel to another country
7. Ride a train
8. Eat at 3 new restaurants
9. Try 5 new dishes
10. Swim in a river/creek
11. Roll down a hill
12. Try a new flavor of ice cream
13. Ride a horse
14. Climb a tree
15. Hunt a deer with a bow and at least take a shot
16. Start a community garden project
17. Go mountain hiking
18. Go canoeing
19. Go kayaking
20. Do a triathlon myself
21. Split a tree by hand (and axe)
22. Go rock climbing
23. Learn some basic yoga positions
24. Try snow skiing or snow boarding again
25. Go ski diving
26. Try to Learn water skiing or similar
27. Eat a meal that’s entire homemade and homegrown or locally grown
28. Build a greenhouse
29. Plant a new tree
30. Blow a smoke ring while smoking my pipe
31. Visit a zoo
32. So snorkeling
33. Go scuba diving
34. Sleep under the stars
35. Build a fire without matches or a lighter
36. Ride a roller coaster
37. Learn fly fishing
38. Make maple syrup
39. Go to a concert
40. Hit a homerun
41. Bowl a turkey
42. Get a home in one in mini golf
43. Try big boy golf
44. Fly a kite
45. Ride a motorcycle
46. Go on a weeklong backpacking trip
47. Climb a mountain
48. Ride my bike to work
49. Do a backflip
50. Cut down a tree with an axe
51. Watch the sun rise
52. Watch the sun set
53. Sit in a hot tub
54. Shave my legs
55. Do 50 pulls ups in a row
56. Camp in the snow

57. Build 10 projects
58. Work on my photography: picture taking and editing
59. Enter 5 photo contests
60. Build a tree house
61. Paint a picture
62. Take steps in pursuing some dreams: Barber shop, Woodworking shop, soap, sustainable & Self sufficient, etc.
63. Make an article of clothing
64. Make a pair of shoes
65. Make a smoking pipe
66. Brew a batch of beer
67. Make cheese
68. Make soap
69. Make root beer
70. Learn the guitar
71. Expand my garden
72. Save all my seeds in my garden

73. Take Rachel on a surprise road trip every year
74. Dance with Ainsley
75. Take my nieces and nephews on a “date”
76. Swim in the ocean with my kids
77. Take the kids fishing
78. Build a bonfire with friends
79. Take a midnight stroll with Rachel
80. Explore the stars with the kids
81. Take my parents out to eat
82. Take Rachel’s parents out to eat
83. Throw a party and invite some strangers
84. Get Rachel to pet a cat
85. Be more conscious of quality purchases
86. Teach Jacoby to be a man
87. Write a letter to ten men I look up to
88. Plan a sleepover for all nieces/nephews
89. Have each of my coworkers over for a meal
90. Introduce myself to each neighbor
91. Be present: less social media, no tech when visiting/visitors
92. Pray with 50 people
93. Have a monthly mentor
94. Have a monthly date night with Rachel
95. Have 10 conversations that lead people closer to Jesus

96. Read through the Bible
97. Read 15 books
98. Fast for a week
99. Learn to recognize trees
100. Be debt free
101. Buy a truck

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