Monday, September 26

Dear Ainsley [Week 4]

Oh Ainsley!

You are now 4 weeks old and you've changed oh so much! Papa Bear and I have already spent time looking at your newborn pics and reminiscing how different life was 3.5 weeks ago! This week I want to highlight some milestones, so to speak, that you've accomplished.

You've discovered your voice.

Exercising your voice while wearing a
shirt that reads "my daddy makes me smile"!

Prior to this week, you cried maybe a handful of times when you were hungry. but this week. you put your lungs to the test on several occasions. Your dad and I are still trying to figure out what your cries always mean, but that's going to take much more studying! :-) Most of the time, it's gas. (This is both reassuring--nothing is really wrong-- and frustrating--not much we can do to help!)

You have projectile spit-up.

Last Saturday (on your 3 week birthday) we were leaving wedding number 4. You were all strapped in to Grandmomma-cita's Lexus and we decided that would be a good time to show your new talent. I was afraid you'd choke on it so quickly got you out of your carseat--in hindsight this was a silly fear as it was afterall projectile vomit. It wasn't staying in your mouth to cause choking. Oh well, I got to hold you a bit and wear a bit of it myself! Oh, and good thing has leather seats Grandmomma loves you because it wiped clean and you can't even tell! Since then you've showed this skill a couple times since Saturday-- namely when Papa gave you a bottle while you were laying down. Bad life decision. All 5 ounces that went "down" came right back up! Forgive us too that we just put a bath towel over the damage instead of changing all the sheets that late at night!

We had a great week feeding.

Without many details, because I know others don't care to read about them, feeding you has been much more pleasureable! This is more of a relief that you will ever know... until you become a mom of course!

You're growing like a weed!

Great Grandma Cow, Ainsley, Sondra,
Grandmomma-cita & Stuart on
Grandmomma's 29th Birthday!

On Tuesday we celebrate Grandmomma's birthday with your aunt, uncles, cousins, and grandparents, and while you didn't enjoy the finger-lickin' chicken or specialty cheesecakes we did break out the baby scale and you weighed 10 lbs. 8 oz. already! That's just under a pound in only 4 days! This makes the mild discomfort of feeding you all worth it!

You like your momma!

4 weeks 1 day
Forgot to take a pic on Saturday between
the birthday party and OSU get together!

Now this may seem silly to mention because of course you like me! I mean who else feeds you around the clock, changes so many of your diaps--okay your dad probably changes more than I do--and is pretty much at your beckon call?! Well no one else of course, but there is something nice knowing that I am able to comfort you pretty much the best. Now at midnight when I'm ready for bed and you're fussing with Papa, I wish I didn't have that "skill", but nevertheless, I enjoy it. Especially last week it was difficult because I was feeling like I always had to do the dirty work aka feed you [uncomfortably], change you and comfort you and then once you were content someone was always "stealing" you so I didn't feel like I was getting to enjoy you as much as everyone else. Now though I don't have those feeling so much and simply enjoy those cuddling, comforting times.

Well baby girl, after four weeks life is pretty good, so I guess we'll keep you! ; )

Love you!
Your Momma

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