Sunday, September 11

Dear Ainsley [2 Weeks]

Dear Sweet Baby Girl,
You are 2 weeks old today [I wrote this yesterday but did publish it : ) ] and while that time has gone by quickly, I can't imagine life without you. It seems as if you've always been a part of our family and the day you were born seems so long ago.

You've had quite the second week of life. You've been to 2 more church services--making this Sunday's service #5 in your lil' life. You've also been to Greenville to visit/meet your Great Grandma Clum. You've attended wedding #2 and 3 this week. You have also attended your first high school football games which the Bearcats toppled the Mustangs--I hope you enjoyed the game because we'll be attending many more as you get older I am sure!

This week you've also blown your Papa Bear and I away--almost literally--with the power of your little body. A nurse at the hopsital warned us that breastfed babies will have what sounds like ginormous bowel movements and then very little be in the diap [which makes sense because poo is waste and there is very little wasted from breastmilk.] You baby girl know how to rip 'em. You'll wake us from our sleep or catch our attention from the other room and I have to be honest your dad and I are like ten year old boys and still laugh hysterically. I'm not laughing when your diap is off and you decide to let loose though. :S

Sseriously though I love being your momma. You bring such joy to everyone you encounter and an indescribable joy to me. In the 2 short weeks of your life, I feel like you've grown and changed so much and taught me so much. Being your momma is easy to do because you're such a great baby. People ask all the time how were adjusting, and really, you make that adjustment way easier than I imagined it would be. I've already warned your papa on several occasions that your younger sibiling will likely be a terror because you're so wonderful and pleasant. Let's hope not but you've set the standard pretty high! Your papa is worried about having baby number 2 because he doesn't want favorites and can't imagine you not being his favorite. [You're quite lucky to have a dad so in love with you!]

Ains & Momma after cousin Josh's wedding
2 weeks old

I love you sweet baby girl! And you are already growing up way too fast! Slow down, I'm trying not to blink!

Much love,
Your Momma


  1. I think that is one of the prettiest picture I have ever seen you of, Rachel! Motherhood suits you beautifully!

  2. Thanks, slie! :)

    I wish I would've worn something different so that we didn't mesh together so much, but I was thinking in terms of practicality for feeding not photo opps. :)

  3. I love getting to hear about your life via blog! :-) Congrats on such a beautiful baby girl!
