Saturday, September 17

Dear Ainsley [Week 3]

Dear Ainsley,
I continue to love you more and more each day. You are so beautiful and perfect in every way and I know it's just beginning to bud, but already your little personality is developing.

Thursday we went to school [after I changed clothes because you squirted yellow poo all over me, again] so I could check in with my sub show you off and my coworkers were captivated by your beauty. I'm ready to go back to school because teaching is a passion of mine and I want to ensure my students are getting the best possible education, but I can't imagine leaving you yet. Even for just an hour I'm afraid I'd have some separation anxiety! I'm sure you'd be a champ, as you are a champ at everything! Too bad you can't be my personal assistant and come with me when I have to go back in less than a month! :S

After being at school, we had your '2 week' appointment. This week, especially in the middle of the  night when I'd need to pick you up to feed you and I was too lazy to sit up to do so, I could really tell that you had grown. The Doctor confirmed this thought and said you are growing in every way! You weighed in at 9 lbs. 12 oz.--a full 1 lb. 7 oz. increase since your appointment when you were but 5 days old-- and you have increased in length/height by 3/4 of an inch! Part of this was such a relief, not because I was afraid that you weren't growing since I could feel that, but because I was encouraged and reminded that I was the one who has been providing all that nutrition for you to grow like a lil' weed! Outside of a few drops of glucose water in the hospital, you haven't had a bit of nutrition [does gluclose water count as nutrition anyways?!] that hasn't came from me. I needed this bit of encouragement. It's a honor to be the one who feeds you and provides for you in that way, but it hasn't been easy nor enjoyable all the time. "It's not supposed to hurt" but yowzers, you're a little beracuda at times and your start up is a bit painful at times. Thankfully this is continuing to get better and just when I want to throw in the towel,  you are a champ and eat well painfree. I appreciate that, it's like you somehow know when I need things the most and you pull through for me.

Speaking of things I appreciate and your "sixth sense", even this morning your papa bear and I were praising you because of how great of a babe you are! Despite your momma not feeling so hot and only being able to feed you for a bit of time, you were content and peaceful until the next 3 hours had passed and it was time to eat again. This gave momma plenty of time to hang out on the pot try to make myself feel better! Your papa made the comment this morning that you make being a parent easy, and baby girl, it's still holding true. Do you sleep through the night, patiently wait to be fed after speaking that you're getting hungry, and then change your own diap? [That would make being a parent of a newborn super easy!] Not so much. You still wake every 4th hour ate night, sometimes your meal time is proceeded with some impatient wailing, and you poop on me instead of in your diaper, but all things considered you are one easy 3-week old precious baby girl!

Snuggled up in comfy clothes after another wedding!

Your papa and I love you to the moon and back and we are so thankful that we are your parents!

Momma & Ainsley Jo
3 weeks old

All my love baby girl.


P.S. Thanks to your feeding schedule, your papa and I were up at your official 3-week birthday and wished you a happy day at 3:17 a.m. this morning! :)

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