Monday, August 8

2 weeks to go. Baby Poll.

38 weeks.

I can hardly believe that it was 234 days ago that I discovered the miracle growing inside of. Then the size of a seasame seed, now the size of a watermelon. Pregnancy truly is a remarkable thing and as I mentioned before it hasn't been quite what I expected it to be. It has been a good experience for sure and in many ways so much more similar to prepregnancy life than I expected.

Now with just 2 weeks until our due date things are starting to change. All along I haven't felt "that big" and that's been commented on by countless others as well, but recently I'll catch my reflection in the mirror and have to take a double-take thinking that can't really be me is it!? Where did that belly come from?! Holy cow, I really am pregnant! For so long while I was out and about in public I've felt like people can't tell "for sure" that I was pregnant and I was in that middle ground--is she fat or pregnant--stage. Not so much any more! Most don't think I'm as far along as I am, but they definitely can tell I'm growing a little one inside of me!

Also within the last week have I started having some discomforts. After sitting for too long, I feel like a 90 year old woman trying to walk. Or I've got the flip from sleeping on my left side to my right side down so well that I barely wake. My hips just get achy. While there is mild short term discomfort there, it excites me: my liagments are getting all loosey-goosey so that our lil' babe can make its descent soon!

Another very recent change has been my mindset. Now I had the goal that I would have all of my lesson plans completed by August 1st. I didn't quite accomplish this [I did have 6 weeks of Geometry plans done though!] but now excluding printing the plans and running copies, this is complete. Likely after going into school Wednesday to reorganize the students' desks and run those copies, I'm completely ready to hand over a binder worth of plans, notes, activities and assignments that will last someone though the first week of October! Now if I just knew who that someone would be, that would make things a bit nicer. In addition to finally feeling like I'm nearly as ready as I'll ever be to turn my class over to someone for 6 weeks, I have also had a mindset shift in that every once and awhile, I find myself saying,

"Holy crap! We're going to be parents very, very soon!!"

Usually this is very exciting, but sometimes it's quite frightening and overwhelming! Obviously we felt like we were ready nearly a year ago when we "pulled the goalies" as Mister so eloquently has put it, but that doesn't take away the apprehension of how our lives will be forever be changed. We're excited. I'm excited. We're nervous. I'm nervous.

Even crazier to me is that for the past month or so, I have mentioned to Chris that as soon as we hit that 38 week mark, we're pulling out all the stops and going to try any natural method to get this baby here. [I'm not all about medication and inducing, but if it's a natural bodily reaction, I am all about that!] Now that we are to that time, I can't count how many times I realize that this means "any day now". Thinking about how I could wake tomorrow morning and it be the last time I wake pregnant with this child inside of me instead of out. I make plans for the upcoming couple of weeks and then remember that perhaps I'll be bringing a child to the event on the outside. It's just so excitingly, apprehensively, crazily fascinating to think about! Aahhh! :)

Finally just for fun, I'm curious what you think Baby Massie will be--other than a baby--and when you think the lil' one will arrive. My aunt suggested a poll that everyone puts $5 into a kitty and then the closest get 50%. While I wouldn't mind keeping the other 50%, this is a "free" wager. So let us know. Leave a comment and tell us the following:

1. Bundle of Blue or Pretty in Pink--You can also make your vote on the right side panel. :)
2. Weight/Height
3. Birthdate [and even time if you'd like!]

To give everyone some insight, at my 36 week appointment, the sonographer estimated the baby to weigh 6 lbs. 9 oz. [but that can be off by 1.5 lbs either way] and baby's should gain half a pound a week from 36 weeks on.

It'll be neat to see if anyone get's super close on all three. [Momma-cita recently guessed a cousin's lil' one's arrival within a day, in the accurate time of day and within just a couple of ounces! She says "one of each" for me though, so I don't see her "winning"!]


  1. It's so fun to read your thoughts in the "home stretch" of having Baby Massie! You know I think it's going to be a boy. I think he's going to weight 7 lbs and 6oz (complete guess) and that he will arrive August 16 :-) I don't feel very strongly about the last two guesses but I just thought I would throw them out there, ya know.

    Ok and so last night Josh got a text from Chris and he goes, "What's he holding..." and I exclaimed, "A BABY??!!!" and was like, "no no no no sorry, it's a cigar or something." I was very disappointed lol. Just thought you would appreciate knowing that :)

  2. I most certainly predict --- vote --- pretty in pink! Born August 16 (five months from auntie em) right around lunchtime, practical... Like her momma :) I'll skip guessing the weight and say she'll have a head full of dark locks!!

    Oooohhh!! I can't even wait. Love you, lovely <3

  3. Oh Leslie! Don't worry, we'll be sure to inform you in an unquestionable way when the lil' one is on its way!!

    I wouldn't mind if either one of you are correct in your guessing! I'm really hoping for a babe born next week so I definitely don't have to start school. :)

    This dream/vision of parenthood is about to be a reality!!
