Sunday, January 27

Baby Dos

Since I had quite the hiatus from blogging during oh 75% of the pregnancy, it's probably beyond time to collect my thoughts and put the pen to the paper so to speak so I remember them in 5 years when this stage becomes a blur.

Finding Out
To back track way to the beginning, about a year ago I started charting my basal temp in order to learn more about my body. A good friend of mine had been doing this and using it as birth control for a while and then in hopes to better their chances of getting pregnant and they were very successful on both ends! I guess I should say, I decided to do this once I learned you didn't have to take the temp in you who-ha! I don't know where I got that idea from, but I was not about to do it!


I did great charting through the first week of June, but then while we were away with my family at the Warrior Dash, I lost my thermometer and never remembered to spend the four bucks and pick up another one at Meijer. During the second week or so of June though, I knew I was pregnant. It wasn't the lack of the monthly visitor or a second line on the pee stick that caused me to think this, but rather I experienced some dizziness. The first time, I didn't think too much of it, as I hadn't eaten much that day and it felt like a drop in blood sugar kind of dizziness. A few grapes later and relaxing on the couch and I felt fine. Then it happened two other times. I told Chris "I think I may be pregnant." Within a couple of days, I took a test which came back negative, but I followed up sharing those results with Mister saying, "But it can still be wrong, I think it's just too early for the test to pick it up."

Sure, enough on Friday, June 29th after we picked up a new queen size mattress [we had upgraded from a double that a single person slept in before so the three of us would all roll to the middle], Mister, Ainsley, and I were laying on our new mattress, enjoying the added space and I asked,

"So you think there is enough room for four of us on here?!" :)

"Wait, what?! Are you trying to tell me something?!"

Yes, Baby Massie #2 was on his or her way and forever on our minds from that June morning.

Naturally, I called the doc that I had with Ainsley, set up my appointment and confirmed everything a couple of weeks later. A few things didn't sit right with me after the first couple appointments and I decided then that I was going to go to a different doctor.

Ainsley was born healthy and happy and has been ever since which of course is the number one priority, but in hindsight, I have a lot of hard feelings to the way my doc handled somethings and I decided it wasn't worth going through it again. The biggest motivator in wanting to switch was that I did not want to have to have another c-section to which my old doc replied that we'd continue to talk about it and if I have a little baby--6 or so pounds--we can pursue it. That lip service was enough to send me away as I don't know that Clums or Massies are capable of producing that size of baby's--especially us together! ;)

So I began to ask around and do some research to find a new provider. After some honest and real advice from a family friend who is an OB nurse, we decided on a doctor and have been extremely pleased with our switch!

We commonly leave our appointments laughing after a wisecrack and not once have we felt like he has had any hidden agenda of his own. The honesty and openness that we have received makes me confident, not only in our switch, but also that if I do end up with a c-section, that it truly is in our best interest and not simply in the interest of convenience of a doctor!

This pregnancy has been just as easy as my pregnancy with Ainsley. I have had zero symptoms, outside of the initial dizziness, and most days I forgot I was pregnant. For my first pregnancy, I think we dwelt on it much more as it was the focus and anticipation of so much, but with this one, we have very much been caught up in treasuring Ainsley's milestones that the pregnancy has been on a back burner. In many ways, I think that has made this one go quickly though.

Prior to getting pregnant with Ainsley, we compromised that we'd find out the gender of the first baby, but after that let it be a surprise. Well we all know about her stubbornness modesty, so we decided all the babies' gender would be a surprise until birth. So that leaves us with the guessing game.

Initially, I thought "boy" just because this baby moves so.much.more. than Ainsley did. And when the babe moves, it moves! I feel its toes around my ribs and its head in my hips. I do'nt feel like it's higher or lower, just much more active.

More recently, I've been leaning towards girl though. I'm not sure the exact change in heart. Perhaps it's because beyond the added movement, it doesn't "feel" that different. Perhaps it's because as I looked back on Ainsley's vital stats when I was at this point in the pregnancy with her, her numbers were exactly the same as this baby's. Perhaps because the baby looked like a girl in the ultrasound, and I didn't see any extra parts--although Mister thinks the baby "looked" like a boy and the tech didn't spend time searching for the anatomy that'd make the reveal. And the biggest reason I think this baby is a girl?

We don't have a name for her if she's a girl!

I feel like it'd be "just my luck". I recall a coworker who told me they couldn't decide on her daughter name so her social security card read "Girl _____" [last name]. Perhaps we'll have a "Girl Massie" if we don't make a decision in the next few weeks.

Nevertheless, here we are about 4-5 weeks out and I'm very much looking forward to the birth of this baby. Of course, I'm looking forward to meeting the one who has contorted my stomach in so many different ways for the past months, but I'm also very much looking forward to the labor and actual birth. Mister and I have been doing a lot of reading and I feel so much better prepared for what's to come. I feel like I have a doctor who is actually in my corner and I look forward to a birth that doesn't leave me questioning and disconnected as I was with Ainsley.

So here we are. Looking forward to whenever this little one decides to make an entrance into the world which will likely be sometime during the first week of March. [Original due date is March 2nd, adjusted due date based on early ultrasound is March 9th, and based on the baby's current size, the due date "should" be February 22nd.] And in these last few weeks, I'll be busy lesson planning, dreaming about your birth and soaking in every moment, cherishing our family of three before all of our lives are dramatically changed for the better!

Sunday, January 20

Update through Photos

There's been quite the time since I last posted, but that doesn't mean a lot of life hasn't happened! So for an quick update to bring the blog world up to speed, photos from the past 5ish months!

August 2012
 The Best Time of the Year--Allen County Fair

 Sassy Sondra modeling her Guys & Gals Lead outfit that Aunt Sara made for her.

Right before she stuck out her tongue then was too embarrassed to finish!

Ainsley's 1st Birthday Party 

She certainly wasn't shy digging into the delicious cake Grandma Massie made for her!
September 2012
Clum Family Gathering in Bellefontaine

Running and diving on a mattress with Stu and Sondra--It's so much fun to see how much you love interacting with other kids!

Train ride at Bellefontaine Lodge--Riding with Jacob

 October 2012
Half Marathon with Momma-Cita & Mister
All smiles BEFORE the run! After the run was more of a straight-faced hobble for me!

Trick-or-Treating At Otterbein
Three CrAzY kids!

Our Skeleton Family
President Obama came to my high school. This made for a crazy few days but was thankful to witness the madness!

November 2012
 We said goodbye to Grandma Clum as she was reunited with her husband and her Lord. It was the worst, yet best birthday present.
Ainsley first picture with Great-Grandma Clum
  Hot Chocolate 5k--Momma-cita's Birthday Gift

Trip to Chicago for Math Conference--This was our first time that both Mister and I were away from Ainsley overnight. 

We went ice-skating for the first time. [Isn't that what every 6 month pregnant lady does?!]

No falls! All smiles! Millennium Park

December 2012

We met Miss Piper McCracken. Ainsley absolutely loved the precious little baby! It made us more excited for the arrival of our little bundle!
Kisses for Piper

Ains LOVED holding Piper!

Cheese Party--We hosted a cheese party at our house! We had friends over with lots of cheesey food, wore cheesey aka ugly Christmas attire, and played Cheeseopardy aka cheeseo-themed Jeopardy.

I painted Ainsley's fingernails for the first time! It made her seem like a little lady, instantly!

Christmas Morning
Christmas morning we had to torture you awake for presents!

"Cheese" face!

She did great opening presents until she opened a book--then all she wanted to do it read.

Motorcycle Momma like Grandmomma-cita!

One of Ainsley's common faces--I <3 br="br" it="it">

Nephews became animals for Christmas
 Visit with high school friends--Ange and Britney. Crazy that we all have at least one babe now!

Angela's Jillian; Britney's Emma; and my ham!
 Clum Family Christmas

Part of the Crazy Clum Great Grandkids

Play cards with Gabe
 Helping Papa put together our new *double* stroller

Crazy hair!

 January 2013

33 Weeks Pregnant & 16 months ornery!


 Perhaps I'll work on consistent updating now!

Tuesday, January 15

Love, Love, Love

So I was thinking the other.  Sometimes it gets me into trouble.  Sometimes it turns out really neat with a creative idea.  Sometimes I surprise myself and others and come up with something really intelligent and unique.  We'll see which this ends up being once I get it written out.  But my experience was the last option.

I was thinking about love.  I wasn't just thinking about the word, but about the feelings I associate with the word, about the people I love, the things I love.  I also thought about how my love has changed over the years (to be cutting edge I'll use the word evolve instead of changed).  My love has evolved.

I don't think I'm alone in this either.  I would suggest that many people could say the same thing.  And here's why I suggest that.

Looking back at my life, my first concept of love was as a child.  I was fortunate to have parents who took care of me, who liked me, who fed me, clothed me, kept me safe, taught me many things, disciplined me, drove selfishness out of me (through my rear end), and much more.  [Notice I avoided using a certain word there?  It's because I tie all of those things into the word love.  But I see that now, not then.]  My concept of love was probably something along the lines of how we say Thank You when someone does something for us.  We say it because they did something for us.  So I loved my parents because they took care of me by providing all of those things.  I also spent a lot of time with them, so I was familiar with them.

So, two aspects of how I first viewed love: reciprocity and familiarity.  There were feelings, but those feelings were because I was so comfortable with them.  I didn't feel those feelings for just anyone.

Fast forward a few years, and my view of love began to change.  This change took a few years to fully develop, but it involved a concept of love that involved my brothers and cousins, my friends, and then girls!  (I'm hoping Ainsley takes a while to get to the 'loving' boys, but I'll be there for her anyway.)  With my brothers, it started as the same familiarity issue.  I spent so much time with them that I loved them.  Then adding in my cousins and friends, it began to evolve into how they made me feel.  If I felt valued as a person, if they liked me, if they laughed at my jokes, if they didn't make fun of me, if I could trust them with secrets, then I loved them more.  And, really, there wasn't much difference once girls entered the picture.  Love was a feeling of how I felt inside: about myself mostly.  If I felt good about myself because of interacting with her, then I must love her.  If I felt really great about myself, then I must love her A LOT!  Life was good.

There were lots of feelings by this point.  Feelings pretty much determined whether I loved the person or not, which was in direct correlation to how they treated me.

At this point, we'll enter Rachel.  She made me feel great about myself.  I liked her, for who I saw her to be.  And I liked me, for how I saw her treating me.  I did make a distinction by this point in my life.  When we were dating we would tell each other that we were 'in love' with each other.  We didn't say 'I love you' until we were engaged.  I did it because I heard a speaker say that he didn't tell his wife 'I love you' until the very next words were 'Will you marry me?'  So that's exactly what I did!

I felt great!  Being in love was awesome!  The goose bumps from just touching our hands together was electrifying.  The talks we had about what we wanted to do with our lives was bonding.  Life was great.  Love was new and awesome and real and made me feel fully alive!  Yet it was still mostly rooted in how she treated me.

I guess I should point out that I wanted to make other people happy too.  So there was that aspect of love.  If they made me feel great, then I wanted to make them feel great.  It was different with Rachel, a stronger feeling I guess, but essentially the same.

Another thing to point out: learning about Jesus and how he taught people to love others and give of yourself even if the other person doesn't give back and to love your enemies and such--that was hard to grasp.  Not because I didn't want to get to that point, but because I wasn't seeing how that made any sense.  But, I would now say that my journey has brought me to that point.  Partly because I'm mostly a nonviolent person anyway, it's my temperament, but also because I try to see the value and worth in each person (as discussed before in a blog post, I'm not always good at this).

All right, back to my original creative idea about love.  Now to marriage.  Yes, it's different from dating and being engaged.  We now lived together, pooping with the door open, changing in front of each other, picking up after each other, laughing together, sleeping in the same bed, eating together every day.  It was first.  Then it got a little monotonous.  Then my view of love evolved again.  It's about commitment.  I had been committed to things before, but this was the capstone of my commitment in my life to this point.  Really, it still is.  I was committed to making a life with Rachel.  I wanted to care for her, to satisfy her needs and wants more than those of anyone else in the word.  I wanted to provide for her and help her to enjoy her life.

So 'love' was becoming less about me.  There were still feelings involved, sometimes more intense now.  I would still feel good about myself if she treated me well, and I would feel terrible about myself if she made me mad, whether I deserved it or not.

Now we get to the present: being a parent.  As I say this, I really owe much of the credit to this whole idea to Leslie McCracken.  She said this next part in passing one day when we were eating out.  Being a parent is a whole new love.  Here's why: this person doesn't do anything that deserves my provision, affection, money, food, etc.  Ainsley doesn't give anything back, as far as providing and all that.  Being a parent has brought about new feelings and desires in me.  I want to protect her more ferociously than I did Rachel when we first met and were first married.  It was instantaneous with Ainsley.  I would do about anything to care for her and keep her safe and provide for her.  I would for Rachel too, but it's different somehow.(I find myself in awe of this new feeling and depth of love.  It's hard to explain, really.)

So...for me, my concept of love has evolved.  It started as familiarity and reciprocity (I would love back if you took care of me), it moved to trusting you with secrets if you liked me and valued me and didn't make fun of me, moved again to lots of electric feelings as I was in love with my wife, then again to a desire to please and provide for another person, and most recently to wanting above anything else to care for and protect no matter what, in spite of the fact that my daughter doesn't do any of that for me.

Interesting.  Thoughts?