Tuesday, October 18

Dear Ainsley [Week 7]

Dear Ains,

What a week it has been! On Wednesday, I went back to work for the first time. It was difficult, as I expected it would be, but it actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I teared up kissing you goodbye, missed you like crazy, and thought of you continually, but thankfully you were home with Papa so you were only a text away. You were in good hands and I was quite thankful! You ended up sleeping most of the day away and this, baby girl, I was not thankful for. When bedtime came you went to sleep but when you had your usual wake up instead of going right back to sleep like you’ve done all prior nights, you decided it was time to stay up and hang out for a good hour. I tried to tell myself that it was because you missed me and wanted to spend extra time with your momma, but in reality this was just to get my mind off the lack of sleep I was going to get that night. The next two days you spent with your Grandma Massie and had great days—and consequently nights—then too!

Wednesday night I decided to try out your cloth diapers! I was afraid they were a little big, but with the gifted disposable diaper stash running low, I figured I better start using cloth while I still had time to “take a break” with disposables! They seemed to fit fine but I was a little apprehensive as I took you to church in them. Typically on Wednesday nights as soon as I arrive you are handed off to someone—Grandmomma-cita, Grandma Cow, or even a sweet couple that sits behind us—this time I warned, “So I’m trying out the new diapering system tonight for the first time, I’m not responsible for blow outs!” :) Grandma Cow took you anyways! And there wasn’t a single blowout, so that was definitely a good thing [especially since I forgot to take a sack to put your dirty diaper in after I would’ve changed you. Hey it was my first night cloth diapering, give me a break!] We put you in your cloth diapers in the evenings during the week—we decided it’d be best to give your Grandma a couple days to adjust to having you before having to use the cloth diaps—and had you in them all day long this weekend! Let me say, so far, so good! You have the cutest tush in town! :)

Your cutie-batootie!
The giraffe diap is one of my favs!
And the cow print!
In other news in Ainsley-world this week, you received your first hickey! Now in most cases I would not be smiling about this, and remember that when you are a teenager—hickies = trashy—it was pretty funny on you for two reasons: 1.) You’re 7 weeks old. 2.) You gave it to yourself! You see, so far, you haven’t really sucked your thumb. Even when you are hungry, you haven’t sucked your thumb but instead choose to suck your index finger or your wrist. Well this time at Grandma’s you must have decided your wrist would taste better because when I got you home I realized you had a big ol’ hickey on your wrist!! Such a silly girl!

You had your first major spit up!
Thankfully it was on Papa! ;)

This weekend we had a great time just being our lil’ family. Your papa even commented, “You know so many people act as if you lose your ‘life’ they have a baby, I feel like we gained life!” I couldn’t agree more! We are so lucky to have you in our life and to have new life because of you!

7 weeks old

Much love!

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