Monday, October 10

Dear Ainsley [Week 6]

Lil' Miss Ains--

Well baby girl, today was the end of the final full week that I will get to spend with you. I can't even begin to express the emotions going around in my mind and heart as I prepare to venture back to teaching on Wednesday. I'll get 3 days with you over Thanksgiving break which is 45 days away and then the already much anticipated Christmas break 74 days away--but who's counting! This past week you've seemed to be a bit more clingy that other times. Although a small part of me was mildly frustrated because I wasn't able to get much anything done, I appreciated all the snuggle time that we shared! I love you and all our time, baby girl. It's going to be greatly missed and the weekends are going to be treasured and anticipated even more!!

Smiles: This week you have been on the verge of smiling. You've smiled several times but it's not really "intentional" yet even though we like to pretend it is. Regardless my heart smiles every time your little lips curl up! I look forward to when you smile because of what's going on around you and not "just because" of gas! :)

Gas: Speaking of smiling, early this week you had me laughing so hard! While laying on the couch next to me--fully clothed--when you blasted a loud putt-putt [you'll learn that's what they are called when you are around Grandmomma-cita!] Anyways, in addition to your Papa and I still laughing at your untimely gas, this time was even more comical for me. You see your Papa was sitting on the floor in front of the couch and when you blasted, he literally covered his head and ducked! You would've thought that there was a real explosion going off the way he took cover! [P.S. You have man-gas now, and not just juicy, explosive gas. I blame your dad all the time for your gas, you take after him!]

Voice: You are not only loud coming out that end, you can be quite loud with your mouth! More and more you make noise. Many times I think you are making the noise for the sake of hearing yourself "talk". Just to listen you sound like you are in distress, but your face is quite content! I tried videoing it this week, but it sounded more like torture so I deleted it. I got a kick out of it, but I doubt many others would!

Sleeping: From the day we brought you home, I've been pleased with your sleeping habits. I mean you aren't sleeping 10 hours straight a night, but it's been a doable 3 hours from the beginning and now has lengthened to 5-6 hour chunks. I can handle this! Thanks for being such a great baby! I'll appreciate it even more in the coming days when I have to teach for 8 hours based on however much sleep you allow me to get! :)

Well baby girl, I need to sign off! Your papa is doing his best to console you, but you need your momma right now! I think you're hitting another growth spurt as much as you need me lately!

6 weeks old

Love you muchly!
-Your Momma

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