Wednesday, October 5

Clean that room!

We have a room in our house that is absolutely disastrous! Don't believe me? Well that's because if you were to come to our house that room's door would be shut! :) We refer to it as the office but in reality it has been a catch all. Yes, there's a desk with office supplies and printers on it, so I guess it's an office, but it's also a library, a craft room, a game room, and about any other room you can think of.

Anyways, today Mister and I began working on the pigpen room. We're no where near complete--don't you hate how it has to get messier before it's better :S--but if you happen to have a room like this in your home--not that you would--I highly suggest begin going through it!


You never know what you'll find.

Exhibit A: A 3-Prong Frog Spear

At least this one's Chris'!

Exhibit B: Teeth Molds from when I busted a tooth on a kernal of popcorn

Why they gave these to me is beyond me!
Exhibit C: My Hair... that I cut to donate... over 2 years ago.

It'll be in the mail this week!

Like I said, you just never know. :)

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