I have a friend who will tell me just like it is, if that's what I need to hear.
I have a friend who is so similar to me, but great differences are evident as well.
I have a friend who is always there for an uplifting phone call or text any time day or night.
I have a friend who can make a car ride three counties to nowhere quite an enjoyable adventure.
I have a friend who puts so much thought into her words that she speaks power.
I have a friend who is my biggest support and loves me more than I deserve.
I have a friend who clicks so well that I feel like I've know her for years, but we've only shared a few months.
I have a friend who makes a quiet evening meaningful and insightful.
I have a friend who can always come up with an idea of something fun to do.
I have a friend who makes my joy, and life, more complete just by 'being' together.
I have friends who mean the world to me, and sometimes I feel as if I fail to remind them of that fact. I have friends who I would take a bullet for without a second thought. I have friends who I know would do the same for me. We all have traveled different paths and continue to travel on our own paths, but I am so thankful that these people's paths and my path have intersected and coincided. I know that they will not coincide forever and that distance will separate and time will pass. Regardless I have friends that forever have impacted my life.
And as a little [humorous] sidenote: I have friends who are zonked out because it's 4 o'clock in the morning and sprawled out all over my large bed and another one who just woke up for a moment to say 'huh' after I just sneezed! : )
Gotta love them all! : )
Rachel Clum, I love you, more and more each day.