Sunday, November 6

Dear Ainsley [Week 10]


You are a whooping 10 weeks old. Your personality is budding and I'm so excited to see what it's going to become. What parts of it will you get from me? What will you get from your papa? I know one thing you haven't got from me is your morning cheer! I'm not sure if it's because you're well-rested or because your stomach is nice and settled but in the morning you tend to be all smiles! It's one of the things I look forward to on the weekends! [Usually during the week your still snug as a bug in a rug next to Papa as I slip out of bed and kiss you good-bye!]

10 weeks
This week you accomplished a new feat as well. For two nights in a row, you slept a full 7 hours between waking/feeding! Each morning after your siesta I woke surprise and a bit confused thinking perhaps I slept through your crying. I didn't though. You just slept like a champ! :) Even just last night when I thought for sure you'd be up most the night because you slept sooo much the day before. Was I right? Nope! We went to bed a bit after 10 [your parents are real party animals now!] and it's 9am now [really 10am with daylights savings] and I  annoyed woke you to try to feed you no avail! I hope you're just becoming a great sleeper!

Perhaps the reason you are sleeping well is because you have a touch of something. The only affect it has had on you is a snotty nose. Now other's snot is absolutely dis-guisting to me, but worse than other's snot is a nose full of snot! So I've been picking away! Sick. I know. But as a friend and I discussed yesterday, much of what we think as gross pre-parenthood is complete normal in parenthood. Thanks for making picking your nose and examining your poo normal! It's just the beginning, I'm sure!

Being crazy is completely normal now!


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