Wednesday, July 23

Why We Worship Him

So I will probably be a failure when it comes to keeping this thing updated, but I'm surely going to try, I'll try.

So what's on my mind, what's on my heart? There's so much that I probably won't even begin to give it justice. Number One thing on my heart and mind: God, and more specifically Jesus. Last night I listened to a sermon on a introduction to 1 John. We only got into the first 5 verses, but such good insight. The focus of most it was about why we worship Jesus. Seems simple, eh? Yeah that's what I thought too, but I was totally wrong. You are going to read this list and think, duh that's why I worship Him, but there's so much more to each statement. So I'm going to list them and not do them justice, but think more about it, or something, and hopefully it'll impact you a bit more!

So here's the list:
1. He says He is God.
2. He came from heaven.
3. He says He is sinless.
4. He forgives sin.
5. He said He's the only way to heaven and indeed He is.
6. He confirmed to others that He was God.
7. He accepted worship as God.
8. He made miracles.
9. He knew the future.

Like I said the list seems really simple, but when it was pointed out that no one really fulfilled any one of those, let alone all of those, it makes our God so much better than any god someone tries to fill that void in their life with. Even the big-wigs of the other religions/cults/belief systems didn't claim these things. Even though there are those who others label as gods, very very few people actually claimed to be god; and the ones who did weren't credible. Or others claim to have had a glimpse of heaven [or whatever they choose to call their 'final destination'] whereas Jesus said, yep that's where I came from and that's where I'm going. [RCV] Or how about the fact that Jesus claimed to be sinless and no one could ever prove otherwise? Could you imagine if I said I was sinless?! There'd be so many letters to the editor with lists of the sins I've made in my life. Saying I'm sinless is like an advertisement welcoming challenges to prove me wrong! It'd take one like 2 secs to do that, but Jesus now we're going on over 2,000 years and still can't do it! Pretty amazing huh? The final wow point that I had from the sermon was concerning the fact that Jesus accepted worship as God. When I first heard this point, I was thought, 'yeah makes sense, He's God why wouldn't He accept such worship?' Then a great point followed: say we suppose that Jesus was just a great teacher and nothing more. [This is something that is very widely accepted by non-Christians 'He isn't God, but He was a good teacher.'] Okay so suppose that, but then think about how He accepted worship as God. Would a great teacher accept such? I think not. I surely hope not too! That's where good teachers go bad, when people put them on high pedestals than they have the One they are teaching about. Churches are divided and great ones fall because of such acceptance. He would not have allowed people to worship Him as God if He were not God because that would have made Him a horrible teacher, not a great One!

Alright, that's just the surface of that topic...

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