Wednesday, June 6

Dear Ainsley [9 months]

Dear Ainsley-Girl,

Papa & you in his fav position!
You have become so. much. fun!

You are moving all about—scooting, crawling, couch surfing, and even walking as long as you have a death grip on guiding fingers! While this is an added challenge for just about everything when it comes to watching you, it’s amazing to watch your development.

Grandmomma-cita & Ains
sporting Harley gear!
You also have a voice and love for it to be heard. I’d love to have a translation of what you rant and rave about, but in the mean time I’ll imagine you are saying how happy you are and how much you love your Papa and I. I can dream right?! Even though I’m sure it’s a stretch [especially since your chatting has sometimes been after an ice cream cone while standing on a picnic table!] I’m guessing I’m not too far off because you are such a happy baby! You are constantly smiling and laughing and playing and observing. We are so fortunate to have such a happy babe to have the privilege of parenting.  And all our family and friends are equally as fortunate as you lovingly interact with them as well—most of the time.

Great-Grandma Clum, Ainsley & Grandpa Clum
 In addition to the leaps and bounds you’ve made in moving and talking, you’ve also popped another tooth through in your gummy lil’ smile! A week or so ago, I went to do a paper-swipe of your mouth [paper, dirt and ice cream seem to be your three favorite food groups]. As I swiped I noticed the paper didn’t move…which is because that paper was a new tooth. J Now your bottom two middle teeth popped up at the same time right before Easter, but this tooth was a sole emerger and it was to the side of your mouth. My first thought was how did we miss this?! And secondly I certainly hoped that it wasn’t supposed to be your middle tooth or we need to start right now saving for your orthodontic visits! Thankfully Papa and I hung you upside down—it was the easiest way to see the top of you mouth that way—and we could see your other teeth in the appropriate places. Whew!Keep growing and learning and becoming who you were made to be--even before your first birthday--but try not to move too fast! Just this morning I felt like someone stole my little baby and replaced her with a toddler!
Toothy smile after bathtime
 Love you this much! I'm looking forward to the summer "off" with you! We'll be clocking in lots of quality time and likely a lil' sun bathing!

These usually remain
on your face for 4.2 seconds!
Sunbathing Bug
You enjoyed your first pool experience
until splashed in the face by your
big cousins!

Splashing in the slip 'n slide!

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