Thursday, January 20


Lately I’ve been thinking about friendships and what they really mean. More specifically I have been thinking about “best friends”. I’ve come to the conclusions that I don’t really know what a “best friend” is or if I have a best friend.

Tag along as I think through this. What is a best friend really? Is it someone who is always there? Is it someone you spend a lot of time with? Is it someone who you can confide anything in? Someone who share both your greatest dreams as well as your greatest fears? The person who is the first to know what’s on your mind and heart? Someone who can tell what’s on your mind and heart without you saying? Someone who never forgets your birthday or special occasions in your life? The first person you want to text when you just heard some gossip good news? The one you have been friends with the longest? Someone who is very similar to you?

Seriously. What is a best friend? What got me thinking about this topic is how I commonly will describe various people as my best friend depending on who I am talking to and what I am talking about. Sometimes I’ll even put qualifications on my “best friend”. So-in-so that’s my best friend from… Or yeah she’s my best friend but we don’t really see each other often… This list goes on and on and by doing so I can think of nearly 10 people that I have referred to as my best friend over the course of the past few years.

So who is my best friend? Well that would be Chris, but beyond him I am not sure that I have a single person that I would call my single best friend. If I were to answer each of the questions that possibly describe a best friend as listed above, I’d likely still have many friend’s I would answer with.  I enjoy my friendships and appreciate them all greatly too, but I think that it would be neat to have a person that is clearly my bestest friend ever and I am her bestest friend ever as well because I don’t think we all value our friendships with someone in the same way that they value it in return. 

Maybe I’m crazy. Maybe I am alone in this boat. Maybe I have never let all my walls completely down so that others know me more intimately as a best friend. Maybe I do have more than one best friend. Maybe it’s you! J

1 comment:

  1. You've a better best friend to me than I could ever imagine (or deserve) .... I'm thankful I get another chance to be close to you and be a better best friend back. I've loved you the longest of em all :)

    (Again, Chris is a very, very lucky man!)
