Obvious from the title of this post, and the overflood of comments on my Facebook profile, today is my birthday. Despite that my brithday is actually today, I think my birthday celebrate occurred last night, and today will be more of 'a regular day'.
We celebrated a teen's birthday and my birthday with a little jingle. After the craziness of junior high chapter Chris and I went to my parents' house. After watching a bit of the election results, I received a stereo dock for an iPod and was super excited. [Although I don't have an iPod myself, Chris does and I thought it'd come in handy as his speaker is croking.] It was very nice and puts out good sound [which will also be great for chapter!]
After leaving my parents we headed to Chris' parent's house where we learned that Obama had officially won, and I got my birthday surprise from him! Using some creative wrapping [read: hidden under his zip-up hoodie], I unwrapped my gift to be given an iPod Touch!! While I was able to guess that this may be what I would be receiving, it didn't take any of the excitement away. Even more was that my parents had just given me the stereo dock. Sa-weet deal! : )
I then headed to home to Bluffton and received my most surprising surprise: while Chris and I were at the junior high chapter, my parents went to Bluffton and decorated my door at school! It was complete with a banner, streamers, balloons and flowers!! I'm pretty sure that even though I have had some great presents [even my super great iPod] I think I appreciated my parents decorating my door more than anything else! : )
So now I was back in Bluffton with lovely birthday gifts in hand and my door sreaming happy birthday and my parents' love for me, I began welcoming my birthday with writing a 10-page paper. Okay so really that part wasn't the best, but it took up the first 5.5 hours of my actual birthday so it was worth noting.
So there you have it. The adventures of my birthday up to noon. Since I'm going to snooze now, that's the exciting part.
Thanks for all the birthday wishes and have a great my birthday day. ; )